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8hhncq7uwjic45xtxpkjdmrzlfs 1x1 – Lullaby

Gay warehouse worker Danny is on his way home after a night out when he meets the well-heeled Joe, seemingly an investment banker, who is out jogging and they begin an affair. However Joe is really called Alex and is not telling Danny his true job, making Danny's elderly friend Scottie suspicious whilst a sinister white van trails the boys. Soon afterwards Alex disappears and Danny's flat is ransacked. Someone leaves key to Alex's apartment for Danny who goes to investigate. What he finds causes Danny to call the police and he discovers that Alex is a spy, working for...

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2dxypirygh890w2obmeec0v8lsw 1x2 – Strangers

Alex is found dead, in an apparent sex game gone wrong and Danny is implicated. After he goes to the press to put forward his claim that Alex was murdered he receives an invitation to go and stay with the parents Alex had told him were dead, finding the detached father Charles dominated by his icy wife Frances, a clearly unloving mother. On return to London he is approached by a mysterious American and seeks refuge with Scottie, who admits that he is a former spy himself.

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Rhnh2b2ujjwv4dhowawkmkd374e 1x3 – Blue

Danny is arrested by D.I. Taylor, who suggests that Alex, at his own request, was locked in a trunk for erotic asphyxiation but Danny let him suffocate by not releasing him. Danny is appalled to learn that his intimate conversations with Alex were bugged and, with his blood sample being doctored to suggest that he was HIV positive, is sure that he is being framed for Alex's death. After confessing to Scottie that he stole a coded cylinder that he cannot unlock from Alex's flat Danny is taken by his friend to see Claire, Alex's former university tutor, who cannot ...

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6ppe8rtyoxryquddjvqnokmgu4j 1x4 – I Know

Eliminated as a murder suspect Danny answers an anonymous phone call and meets an Italian artist paid by an unknown source to have sex with Alex to compromise him. Seeking to crack the code on the stolen device Danny approaches Scottie, who has been attacked in his flat, and, with Claire's help, they locate Marcus Shaw, Alex's old tutor, who reveals the mystery of the code, adding that it places the four of them in danger. This would seem to be true when Danny later receives a call from Scottie, who appears to be in trouble.

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U061isozvn1n36sabsw8dxftor3 1x5 – If This Is a Lie

Danny finally discovers the shocking truth about what really happened to his lover, and what really took place that night in the attic where he died.

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