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Dixxqys54sllr8yht3lylgrnqku 5x1 – Double Down

Officer John Nolan is once again face-to-face with serial killer Rosalind Dyer. Officers Bradford and Chen work undercover with Detective Lopez and the Las Vegas Police Department to arrest leaders of a major criminal enterprise.

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Suffc65r34iqtnk1d2y3rp8ulst 5x2 – Labor Day

Officer John Nolan is moving closer to his new role as a training officer. Meanwhile, Lucy's successful undercover assignment earns her an invitation for specialized training in Sacramento.

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Empgv75ak0w9fqaganttaqmkzlk 5x3 – Dye Hard

Officer John Nolan is assigned his first rookie, Officer Celina Juarez, whose unconventional approach to police work poses a unique challenge for him.

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Tut0zdnmgd5rwp7jayoqtdrjram 5x4 – The Choice

Rosalind returns with a vengeance and Bailey's life is left hanging in the balance. With a ticking clock, the LAPD and the FBI join forces.

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9b8gz1y7t2wzq6lpxjaj1u071hh 5x5 – The Fugitive

John and Celina are on the hunt for a fugitive after a car incident goes awry. Lucy helps Tim in his time of need.

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Kjb5utqxuf4ldiaoeiqhburn6pr 5x6 – The Reckoning

Nolan and Celina investigate a cash deposit linked to an old DEA case; Wesley grows increasingly concerned about his deposition and is shocked when he realizes Elijah's attorney is a familiar face.

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Wxuwbsoumytxso9nv8sla58cgid 5x7 – Crossfire

Nolan and Celina witness a shooting and realize the victim was already dead; Bailey has been feeling off-center since the proposal, leaving Nolan to wonder what he can do to make her feel more comfortable.

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Oj6c0s79kyy2gt73jvxjtvequ6d 5x8 – The Collar

Officers John Nolan and Celina Juarez are in a race against time to stop the source of an explosive rampage.

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5rbshxqcs7sdmugrbfzdzgczghi 5x9 – Take Back

Nolan and the team investigate the death of a suspect in police custody; Grey and his wife go to New York to visit their daughter, only to realize she never made it home from the night before.

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Kutbdpr1acfxaodfo1tmmhonvdk 5x10 – The List

Detective Nyla Harper and James find themselves in the middle of a bank robbery which leads the entire team on a citywide manhunt. Meanwhile, Tim and Lucy finally go on their first date, but it does have a few complications.

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B2txmoe9ur7sqqvmqkbmyiy752l 5x11 – The Naked and the Dead

The team ends up in a gang war while Lucy investigates a domestic abuse case.

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7bwjyep1cmqojnmajoeixdrnu8g 5x12 – Death Notice

Nolan and Celina must stand guard at a hospital after a dangerous prisoner needs surgery; Aaron, Lopez and Harper look into a string of robberies.

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F1yj9lrawvqve6jh3swlplu0zcs 5x13 – Daddy Cop

In the midst of a heatwave and a citywide blackout, Nolan and Aaron follow increasingly large leads after they discover criminals hiding at the station.

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650cml9lwvpnujexw5umyguxihk 5x14 – Death Sentence

Officer John Nolan and Bailey search for a mystery gunman after a shooting hits a little too close to home; Aaron struggles to live within his means; Wesley suspects that a judge is taking bribes.

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S1hepdveqsevepbj2r7zyel0dqx 5x15 – The Con

With help from the FBI, Lopez puts everything on the line to help Elijah Stone take down a gang leader in exchange for her safety; Nolan and Bailey must deal with the secrets and shady dealings his late mother left behind.

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Slq2dxshueud2ich8khqwkuzxgu 5x16 – Exposed

The team must stop a militia from detonating a highly combustible truck in their possession. Meanwhile, Nolan, Thorson, Juarez, and Harper search for three men who may have been exposed to Ebola and detain them for quarantine.

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Galyuzq2hxcg7vwthcmy24qgke2 5x17 – The Enemy Within

Now that Elijah and Abril have become allies, the team must rely on Monica, Elijah's lawyer, to uncover their plans. Meanwhile, Officers Nolan and Juarez reopen her sister's case and discover a discrepancy that leads them on a new trail.

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Bdk1tzzcjzg1yl8laml1cjdhbce 5x18 – Double Trouble

When Dim goes missing, Officer Chen and Sergeant Bradford, along with the CIA, set out to find him and enlist the help of Juicy.

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Apjep54oqcyys33tr2fmkj4pha4 5x19 – A Hole in the World

The team investigates a pattern of kidnappings which leads them to a discovery that hits close to home with one of their own.

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4kcbk8pqqcjg8sxoiqhphszm8zv 5x20 – S.T.R.

Officer Tim Bradford's ex-wife returns and asks the team to help her save someone from her undercover past. Isabel's return also creates additional pressure in Lucy and Tim's relationship as they assist in the search.

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Hzw6lj4zqdiykgiu30zywp8swlp 5x21 – Going Under

Officer Chen goes undercover to infiltrate an illegal firearm operation, and Detective Harper and Officer Nolan work together to solve a mystery involving severed limbs found around the city.

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D26ows9uczyni8m79d9nevbfe4x 5x22 – Under Siege

After one of their own is shot, the team suffers a series of close calls and realizes their division may be a target for a group of masked assailants.

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  • O7u7fbiacsymjhivfzre8osf5nn
  • Fyafsax0cnkvf75p6faf9uabg5e
  • Dymcwxpn89dkrkbfd4no80axayk
  • Txsniajvrzxkiflrn2izvdbe44d
  • Dybddcclxzt3xpttkokpz8ztgug
  • Aof7r1if9jkhhck6m7ugyeqwqsk
  • Rylgykfu66zyjhitft1wnmrjcbn
  • Zjtczvj62zeyvsxuoef3mcuwqxy
  • Co4wiv0abgplverex2ehpvmw6ot
  • 6ewgfpjrhmv20uyjg4gapgbbuov
  • Zm338zlp9l7bcmjem86raptj7ni
  • 2a4gnoniipoie3bn0zo8lfhlwlr
  • Wr4eq9em4mcwczuzp5rdzoyqyno
  • Lpnxxb85q3ye8u5let1hvqrjgd7
  • Vsvilgqrg9ia3yr0wm5pi8woksf
  • 9ozsb9vg7irtiukfihmzqeqfxhh
  • 7rw4lrphlcv2wanxyghaefoh2md
  • Sbcp7k1kbibttiwp6m9swvp6gza
  • Eispglbqsafm3vlwpxvudrcyee1
  • Fzodhypa8rqznzvxs7epiosncol
  • Ibsuytkhcjsyxtsthlza2f2uzm
  • K0ch0zwqnnf7iwgpk7dvagi2fzp
  • Bzn8v41pedn4mvo3yemn5utzlkq
  • 7onsvpfhn6ezymw2antoaijqdhx
  • 4i38jvofbvsi8htv0txwrnwz23y
  • Scvioxvor8mabwxzmn6h5gazzvk
  • 47ctittngqthxio0197rexygtzr
  • 1xpdrrlllrycerl9rzzauxzmslm
  • Z5pyfic3morfxi8361zwfhgxdqz
  • Lsk0g1tjhpecwqbi4vgbdvjcvt6
  • Wib0a5uonj9gfiamedotoetiu3
  • 1puw9fzgsmhixkd1iylca4wyczd
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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